Frequently Asked Questions
Can anyone host a Peacemeal?
Yes, of course. Each person is free to initiate, host and facilitate any Peacemeal. We recognise and respect all Christians would not hold this view if the Peacemeal was considered in any way eucharistic; however, we firmly believe Jesus’ original intention was to empower each person to do this. Of course if you are of another faith, or no faith, this question is of no consequence to you.
Find out more about hosting on our Starting a Peacemeal page.
Can any meal be a Peacemeal - even if it's called something else?
Yes. Without question. It is entirely up to you, your creativity and the significance of the circumstances, how you refer to the meal. The name Peacemeal is only intended to be a helpful focus. It is not a brand!
Can we freely use the name Peacemeal?
What is distinctive about the Peacemeal?
Peacemeals recognise that the act of sharing food is a uniquely powerful spiritual-social experience. When we understand this, and act on it with expectation it creates a space within which significant life-affirming and liberating things can be happen to individuals and groups. This is central to Jesus’ teaching about community. Many people of other faiths or of no particular faith commitment also recognise this. We believe Peacemeals can change the world!
Is the Peacemeal the same as the Mass or Communion in church?
The straight answer is, “Yes … but with a difference”. We believe the words and example of Jesus point to a Peacemeal that is not about practicing a ritual, but rather working towards a revolution. We would never question the integrity of those who share a traditional Mass or Communion (Peacemeal is certainly about nurturing spirituality, but true spirituality always leads to activism). We simply believe there is so very much more to discover and experience through the Peacemeal.
Our church shares Communion, but also has Community meals, where would the Peacemeal fit?
The Peacemeal would bring them both together creating a single event but offering whole new depths in terms of experience and understanding.
Why do most churches have a symbolic ritual rather than a full Peacemeal?
This is a tragic consequence of history. From the time of the earliest Jesus-communities through to the middle of the 3rd Century CE, whenever Christians met they always shared a full meal in which the life, death and resurrection of Jesus was celebrated and the poor and hungry were fed. Then around 250 CE, as the Jesus-movement began to turn into a religion, the bread and wine at the heart of the meal were removed to become a separate isolated ritual. The now devalued meal – with its heart ripped out – was called an Agape (Love-Feast). It continued as a way to feed the poor, but due to abuses it eventually fell into disrepute and finally at the Council of Trullan (692 CE) the church forbade it altogether. This is a tragedy from which Christianity has never recovered. Our passion for the Peacemeal is to explore and discover the true possibilities, which we know Jesus originally intended. The ‘Peacemeal revolution’ is one revolution still waiting to take place within the Church.
Can spiritual meals in other faiths be a Peacemeal?
Yes, of course. Where there are full meals with the purpose of nurturing spirituality, building community, and feeding the poor and hungry – how can they not be Peacemeals?
Can secular meals hosted by atheists be a Peacemeal?
Yes, of course. Where meals are motivated by life-giving values, such as generosity, compassion, justice and hope (to name just a few), which affirm the integrity of a person’s character, work to build community spirit, and meet the needs of those less fortunate can only be described as a Peacemeal. So often atheists outshine people of faith in their expression of what is good and godly.
When would a meal not be a Peacemeal?
A meal cannot truly be a Peacemeal if…
- If it is simply eaten to satisfy your hunger and focus only on the taste of the food
- If it is shared with others with the sole aim of impressing them with your cooking skills
- If the table conversation is just small-talk, gossip, and feeds self-interest and greed
- If it gives no thought to the needs of others either locally or globally
- If it fails to inspire radical living and community building
Where can I find out more about the background of the Peacemeal?
Take a look at the Subversive Celebrant page for more information.
If I have other Peacemeal questions whom can I ask?
Email us and we’ll be happy to talk about Peacemeal with you.