It means so many of the things that describe what the Peacemeal stands for:
.COmpanion – someone who shares bread with you
.COmmunity – people building connections together
.COnversation – people talking but always listening
.COmfortable – somewhere you can enjoy relaxing
.COnspiracy – planning radical acts of kindness
.COmmunion – spiritual nurture and expression
.COmpassion – a loving concern towards others
.COllaboration – working as a team towards a goal
.COmmitted – people deciding to be a part of it all
.COequality – where every person’s voice is respected
.COntribute – bringing things to share with others
.COurteous – everyone honouring one another
.COnciliation – a place where enemies become friends
.COmmemorate – remembering, and being inspired
.CO-operation – making things happen together
.COmmon ground – a space that belongs to everyone
.COmmunication – exchanging life giving ideas
.COherent – suddenly everything really makes sense
.COnsumption – a joyful meal with food and drink!
… are there any other .CO words describing the Peacemeal you can think of?